YungTee - Jungle EP | @Abamiyungtee

YungTee - Jungle EP | @Abamiyungtee
This is a story of a young boy that is ambitious. He got a dream but he is confused if the Dream could be his destiny.

Its a cruel world (Aiye) where every one gat blood in there eyes . So he woke up one morning and wrote A letter to his mom to narrate how and what he feels about life like Kanipe his mum is a politician He should still be in school studying whatever he chooses to do and he also think of how to make it big in life and he realises to be wealthy in life Kogbagidi.

No going back he has to pray to his creator to Bless his way (BMW) in the Jungle where nobody cares if you lose.

NOTE: To those who are doing 'Garagara' this is a Warning Shots.

Download and Enjoy Jungle Ep.
